413 organizaciones humanitarias de todo el mundo piden protección para la población civil

© Petro Chekal
Carta abierta a los Estados Miembros de la Asamblea General de la ONU en nombre de los principales miembros del IASC pidiendo protección para la población civil.
En este Día Mundial de la Asistencia Humanitaria, nuestro personal y nuestras personas voluntarias de todo el mundo se solidarizarán para poner de relieve el horrible tributo que los conflictos armados se cobran entre sus colegas y entre todos los civiles, en particular los niños y las niñas.
Las brutales hostilidades que estamos presenciando en múltiples conflictos en todo el mundo han sacado a la luz una terrible verdad: vivimos en una era de impunidad. Los ataques que matan o hieren a civiles, incluido el personal humanitario y sanitario, son devastadoramente frecuentes. Sin embargo, a pesar de la condena generalizada, las violaciones graves de las leyes de la guerra quedan impunes con demasiada frecuencia.
Este statu quo es vergonzoso y no puede continuar.
En 2023, decenas de miles de civiles murieron o resultaron heridos en conflictos armados, y el número de víctimas mortales entre el personal humanitarios se duplicó en comparación con el año anterior.
El número de personas muertas, heridas, detenidas y secuestradas en 2024 ya es abrumador. La inmensa mayoría de los ataques registrados contra trabajadores humanitarios se infligen al personal nacional. Las organizaciones dirigidas por mujeres y el personal humanitario femenino se enfrentan a riesgos únicos y a menudo mayores, por el mero hecho de ser mujeres. El impacto en la salud mental de civiles y trabajadores humanitarios ha alcanzado niveles sin precedentes.
Y, sin embargo, las partes en conflicto siguen incumpliendo las leyes destinadas a proteger a civiles, incluido personal humanitarios, y los bienes de carácter civil. Este año, en el Día Mundial de la Asistencia Humanitaria, hacemos un llamamiento a todos los Estados, a las partes en los conflictos armados y a la comunidad internacional en general para que:
- Pongan fin a los ataques contra civiles y tomen medidas activas para protegerlos, así como a las infraestructuras civiles críticas de las que dependen.
- Proteger a todas las personas trabajadoras humanitarias, incluidos los agentes locales y nacionales, así como sus instalaciones y bienes, y facilitar su labor, tal y como se pide en la Resolución 2730 del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU adoptada este mes de mayo.
- Exigir responsabilidades a los autores. Quienes cometen violaciones del Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH) no pueden quedar impunes.
No deberíamos tener que esperar a un momento anual como el Día Mundial de la Asistencia Humanitaria para recordar a todas las partes en los conflictos armados, y a todos los Estados, sus obligaciones en virtud del DIH. La adhesión al DIH debe producirse todos los días, independientemente de la ocasión. No es negociable y no está sujeto a excepciones. Es vital que todas las partes en un conflicto armado y todos los Estados se adhieran a sus obligaciones y aprovechen su influencia para garantizar el respeto de las leyes de la guerra y minimizar el sufrimiento humano.
El cumplimiento de estas obligaciones requiere algo más que meras declaraciones, exige acciones inmediatas y decisivas. Hacer la vista gorda cuando se ataca al personal humanitarios no hace sino envalentonar a quienes tratan de obstaculizar su labor. Esto sólo sirve para aumentar la inseguridad alimentaria, la desnutrición infantil, los desplazamientos involuntarios y la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas y otras amenazas. Sus efectos inmediatos no sólo se limitan a las zonas de conflicto, sino que a menudo se extienden mucho más allá. Seguiremos permaneciendo y prestando ayuda en las crisis humanitarias en todo el mundo, pero la actual situación exige que adoptemos una postura unida para pedir la protección de nuestro personal, nuestros voluntarios y voluntarias, y civiles a los que servimos.
Firmado por:
1. A Chance Again Girl Education Foundation (ACAGEF)
2. ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality
3. Abak Peace Foundation
4. Abs Development Organisation for Woman and Child (ADO)
5. Access Development and Relief Organization-ADRO
6. Action Against Hunger
7. Action Contre la Faim
8. Action For Humanity
9. Action for Social and Economic Progress (ASEP)
10. Action for the needy in Ethiopia (ANE)
11. Action pour la Protection des Droits de l’Enfant (APDE)
12. ActionAid
13. ActionAid International
14. Active in Development Aid (ADA)
15. Adamawa Concern Disable Foundation
16. Adamawa Initiative for Underprivileged Empowerment (ADIFUE)
17. Adamawa Women Initiative for Leadership and Development (ADWILD)
18. ADRA Europe
19. ADRA Lebanon
20. Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
21. Advocacy, Research, Training and Services (ARTS) Foundation
22. Africa Humanitarian Action (AHA)
23. African Relief and Development (ARD-African)
24. Against All Odds Foundation (AGAOF)
25. Agency for Minority Rights and Development (AMARD)
26. Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED)
27. AKKMA National Coalition Pilipinas
28. Al Mehran Research & Development Foundation (AMRDF)
29. Al Sham Humanitarian Foundation
30. Alaman Organization for Blind Women Care (AOBWC)
31. Alawite Islamic Charity Association (AICA)
32. Alimat Care Foundation
33. Alliance of International Doctors (AID)
34. Ambassadors of Dialogue, Climate and Reintegration (DCR Ambassadors)
35. AMEL Association International
36. Americaires
38. Anera
39. Anglican Missions
40. Arewa Young Women Graduates Support Initiative (AYW-Grads)
41. Association Najdeh
42. Assured Better Life Initiative
43. ASWHAN Adamawa
44. Australian Council for International Development
45. Australian Lutheran World Service
46. AwazCDS-Pakistan
47. AWO International (Germany)
48. Baptist World Aid Australia
49. Bege House Foundation
50. Benevolence Coalition for Humanitarian Relief
51. BINAA Organization for Development
52. Bioforce Afrique
53. Blumont
54. Bondeko Refugee Livelihoods Centre
55. Bonyan for Youth and Development
56. Bridge Builders Women and Girls Initiative
57. Budapest Centre for Dialogue and Mass Atrocities Prevention
58. Building Blocks for Peace Foundation
59. Building Foundation for Development (BFD)
60. CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
61. CARE
62. CARE International
63. Caritas Africa
64. Caritas Australia
65. Cáritas Española
66. Caritas Internationalis
67. Catholic Relief Services Nigeria
69. CDA Collaborative Learning
70. CDAC Network
71. Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC)
72. Center of Concern
73. Centre d’Appui aux Initiatives de Developpement Local (CAIDEL)
74. Centre for Community Resource, Health and Social Development (CCRHSD)
75. Centre for Sustainable Development
77. CHAD INGO Forum
78. Cheerful Hands Initiative (CHI)
79. Child & Women International Development
80. Child Protection and Peer Learning Initiative
81. ChildFund Alliance
82. ChildFund International
83. Childvoice
84. Christian Aid
85. Christian Blind Mission Ireland
86. Christian World Service New Zealand
87. CHS Alliance
88. Church World Service
89. Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS)
90. Civil Society Coalition for poverty Eradication (CISCOPE)
91. Community and Family Services International (CFSI)
92. Community Development and Media Centre
93. Community Empowerment and Peace-Building Foundation for Women and Youth (CEPFoWY)
94. Community Empowerment and Social Development Organization (CESDO)
95. Community Reach out Initiative (CRI) Yola
96. Community World Service Asia
97. Concern Worldwide
98. Confluence Development inn (CODI)
99. Congo Explorer
100. Consortium of Youth Associations for the Defense of Victims of Violence (COJEDEV)
101. Coordination of National NGOs Chad (CONA-T)
102. Coordination SUD
103. Cordaid
104. Council for International Development Aotearoa New Zealand
105. Dadah Foundation for Educational Empowerment (DAFEE)
106. DanChurchAid
107. Danuwa Empowerment Foundation
108. Daryas Organization for Developing Woman and Society
109. Dawis Initiative for Sustainability, Community Development (DISCOD)
110. Debbie Kauna Foundation (Disability Rights)
111. DEEG-ROOR Medical Organization
112. Democracy School Yemen (DSYemen)
113. Development Initiatives
114. Development Institutions Network Pakistan (DIN)
115. Developmental Action Without Borders- Nabaa
116. Dharti Development Foundation
117. Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
118. Dóchas
119. Dorcas Sisters Foundation
120. DRC Danish Refugee Council
121. Dream alive women and orphans support foundation (Dawos foundation)
122. Dünya Doktorları/Médecins du Monde
123. Education Cannot Wait
124. Empowerment for Development
125. Environmental Protection Society (EPS)
126. Episcopal Relief & Development
127. EU-CORD Network
128. Eunice Spring of Life Foundation (ESLF)
129. Every Casualty Counts
130. Farm Radio International
131. Femenni Development Initiative
132. Femmes et Développement FEDE
133. FHI 360
134. Field Ready-Middle East
135. Fiji Council of Social Services
136. Finnish Refugee Council (FRC)
137. First Step Action for Children Initiative (FSACI)
138. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
139. Food for the Hungry
140. Forum des ONGI en RDC
141. Freedom Jasmine
142. Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association FHRRDA
143. Gargaar Relief and Development Organization (GREDO)
144. Garib Unnayan Sangstha
145. GBIHLI Guardians Brotherhood International Humanitarian Leadership Inc.
146. Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Children Initiative
147. General Union of Voluntary Societies
148. German Doctors e.V.
149. Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
150. Global Communities
151. Global Education Emergencies Support Initiative (GEESI)
152. Global Educational, Economic and Social Empowerment
153. Global Giving International
154. Global Mission Partners
155. Global Support and Development (GSD)
156. Global Women’s Institute
157. Global Womens Health Rights and Empowerment Initiative
158. GOAL
159. GOAL Global
160. Grassroot Life Saving Outreach
161. Grow With Data Youth Foundation (GWD)
162. HD Foundation
163. Headwaters Relief Organization
164. Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS) Pakistan
165. Heifer International
166. Hellen Keller International
167. HelpAge Canada
168. HelpAge International
169. Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe
170. Helvetas
171. HIAS
172. Hidig Relief & Development Organization
173. Himaya Daeem Aataa
174. Hope and Rural Aid Foundation (HARAF)
175. Hope Revival Organization
176. Hope Rising for the Less Privileged and Vulnerable Foundation
177. Hopeful Women Initiative
178. Horan Foundation – HF
179. Horn of Africa Peace Network (HAPEN)
180. HUJRA Village Support Organization
181. Human Organization for Peaceful Environment (HOPE)
182. Humanity & Inclusion – Handicap International
183. Humanity Forum Indonesia
184. Hwa Foundation Sindh Pakistan
185. iACT
186. IHE Delft
187. IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
188. Ihsan Relief and Development
189. Iimaan Relief and Development Organization
190. Imam Sadr Foundation
191. Independent Public Health Consultant
192. Indus Environment Development Organization (IEDO)
193. Initiative Africaine pour le Développement Durable
194. Initiative For Women’s Health Development and Rights Protection Nigeria
195. Innovative Humanitarian solution (IHS)
196. Institute for Promotion of Civil Society (IPCS)
197. Integrated Regional Support Program
198. Integrated Social Services Program (ISSP)
199. InterAction
200. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
201. International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
202. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
203. International Medical Corps
204. International Organization for Migration (IOM)
205. International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP)
206. International Rescue Committee
208. IRADO
209. Islamic Relief
210. Islamic Relief Deutschland e.V.
211. Islamic Relief USA
212. Jabu Development Foundation JDF
213. Jaggarta Organization
214. Jami Al Hakeem Foundation (J-HF)
215. Jen initiative for Integrity and Development
216. Jesuit Refugee Service
217. JHPiego
218. Johanniter International Assistance
219. Jordan Health Aid Society International
220. Kanzul Masakin Islamic Foundation
221. LASOONA Relief & Development Organization
222. Lembaga Daya Dharma Keuskupan Agung Jakarta
223. LIFE
224. Life Helpers Initiative (LHI)
225. Life Makers Meeting Place Organization (LMMPO)
226. LM International/Läkarmissionen
227. Lotus Kenya Action for Development Organization
228. LSPR Centre for Crisis and Resilience
229. Lutheran World Federation
230. Management Sciences for Health
231. Mandhere Relief and Development Organisation
232. Marginalized Communities Advocacy Network (MCAN)
233. Mariam Ladi Yunusa Foundation
234. Matasa 360 initiative for social justice and development
235. Medair
236. Médecins du Monde International Network
237. Medecins du Monde Network
238. Medecins sans Frontieres – Western and Central Africa (MSF – WaCA )
239. MedGlobal
240. MedGlobal-Yemen
241. Medical Teams International
242. Mercy Corps
243. MERCY Malaysia
244. Mercy-USA for Aid and Development
245. Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
246. Morning Star Foundation (MSF)
247. Muslim Hands
248. Muzaffarabad Poverty Alleviation Programme
249. Muzun for Humanitarian and Development
250. Nahda Makers Organization (NMO)
251. Nak Akphivath Sahakum
252. Nana Maren Association for Charity and Awareness
253. National Disaster Management Network of Nepal (DiMaNN)
254. National initiative for social advocacy (Nisafoundation)
255. NEAR (Network for Empowered Aid Response)
256. Never Again International – Canada
257. New Followership New Africa Initiative
258. New Ways Organisation
259. NGORC
260. Nigerian Aid Group of Islam NAG-JNI
261. Nkafamiya Rescue Mission
262. No Borders Humanity Organization (NBH)
263. Nonviolent Peaceforce
264. Northwest Syria NGO Forum
265. Norwegian Peoples Aid
266. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
267. Now Bahar Rehabilitation Organization
268. Olive Branch Organisation
270. Oxfam
271. Oxfam America
272. Oxfam International
274. Pak Education Society/Pakistan Development Network
275. Pak Mission Society (PMS)
276. Pampam development initiative
277. Pattan Development Organisation
278. PAX
279. Peace Foundation Pakistan
280. People for Successful Corean Reunification (PSCORE)
281. People in Need
282. Permanent Peace Movement
283. Petuniya children youth and women initiative
284. Physicians for Peace
285. Plan International
286. Plan International Ireland
287. Plan International Nigeria
288. Plant with Purpose
289. Population Communication
290. Prattasha Samazik Unnayan Sangstha (PSUS)
291. Premiere Urgence Internationale
292. Project HOPE
293. Project HOPE: The People-to-People Health Foundation Inc.
294. Protect Humanitarians
295. Rahma Worldwide
296. Reformist’s Social Welfare and Development Organization WORDS
297. Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK)
298. Refugees Seeking Equal Access at the Table (R-SEAT)
299. Regional Advocacy for Women ‘s Sustainable Advancement
300. Regional Advocacy for Women’s Sustainable Advancement Alliance for African and Arab States
301. Relief International
302. Resolve To Save Lives (RTSL)
303. Restoration of Hope Initiative (ROHI)
304. Road to Economic Development Organisation
305. Roshni Development Foundation
307. Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance (RACIDA)
308. Rural Agricultural Transformation and Empowerment Initiative
309. Rural Education and Agriculture Development Organization READO
310. Rural Education and Economic Development Society
311. Rural Outreach Africa
312. Ruwad alHoukouk FR (Frontiers Rights)
313. Sahara Economic Development Organization
314. Saibaan Pakistan
315. Salam Humanitarian Foundation (SHF)
316. Salient humanitarian organizations
317. Samir Aldarabi
318. Save the Children
319. Scalabrini International Migration Network – SIMN
320. Search for Common Ground
321. Secours Islamique
322. Sened organization
323. Service Chretien d’Haiti
324. SEWAR organization
326. Shahbaz welfare association
327. SHIFA Welfare Association-SHIFA
328. SIF – Secours Islamique France
329. Siiqqee Women’s Development Association
330. Syrian Local NGO Platform (NES)
331. Smart lives Initiative
332. Smiling Hearts Initiatives International (SHI)
333. Social Development International (SDI)
334. Society for Empowering Human Resource (SEHER)
335. Solidarités International
336. Solution for Humanity (SFH)
337. Somali NGO Consortium (SNC)
338. Somali Relief Centre
339. Sorasun Foundation
340. SOS Children’s Villages, Nigeria
341. South Sudan NGO Forum
342. Space Of Peace
343. Sphere
344. Spring of Hope Global Initiative
345. SSEWA-Pak
346. Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR)
347. Step Organisation for Democracy and Election
348. Stichting Vluchteling
349. Sukh Development Foundation
350. Sustainable Development Foundation
351. Synergie des ONG Nationales pour les actions Humanitaires au Niger. (SONAH)
352. Syria Relief & Development (SRD)
353. Syrian American Medical Society
354. Syrian Expatriates Medical Association
355. Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR)
356. Tabitha for Relief and Development
357. Takaful Al Sham Charity (TAS)
358. Tamkeen Foundation for Development
359. Tarjimly
360. Tearfund
361. Télécoms Sans Frontières
362. Terre des hommes (Tdh) Helping children worldwide
363. The Amazon Healing for Women and Children Empowerment Initiative
364. The Lebanon Humanitarian & Development NGOs Forum (LHDF)
365. The Nigeria INGO Forum
366. The Sergio Vieira de Mello Foundation
367. The White Helmets
368. The Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations – Rasd Coalition
369. Today For Tomorrow Initiative (TFT)
370. Trócaire
371. UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
372. Unique Care and Support Foundation (CASFOD)
373. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
374. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
375. United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
376. United Nations Foundation
377. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
378. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
379. United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat)
380. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
381. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
382. United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons
383. United Nations Youth Office
384. UNOPS
385. VENRO – Association of German Development and Humanitarian Aid NGOs
386. Violet for Aid and Development
387. VOICE
388. Voluntary Service Overseas
389. Volunteers for Emergency and Disaster Rescue Initiative VEDRI, Numan
390. Volunteers for Sustainable Development
391. Wahatana Empowerment Initiative
392. Wajir South Development Association (WASDA)
393. War Child Alliance
394. WATAN
395. Water for South Sudan
396. Watoto Walanga Project
397. Wecare Foundation Sujawal
398. Welthungerhilfe (WHH)
399. Welthungerhilfe Country Office Zimbabwe
400. Will Association
401. Women Economic Emancipation Initiative
402. Women for Women International
403. Women’s Refugee Commission
404. World Bank
405. World Food Programme (WFP)
406. World Health Organization (WHO)
407. World Vision International
408. Yemen Family Care Association (YFCA)
409. Yetim Vakfı (Orphan Foundation)
410. Yola Renewal Foundation
411. Youth Front Pakistan
412. Zamzam Foundation
413. Zwala Foundation